The number of active cases of COVID-19 known in Sheboygan County has set a new high mark for 2021, while for the 10th consecutive week, the number of active cases of COVID-19 reported by the Sheboygan County Division of Public Health bumped up on Tuesday, and substantially so. As a result of 188 new positive tests outbalancing the 39 recoveries since Monday, the number of active cases being monitored in Sheboygan County rose to a 2021 high of 914. 18,067 total cases have been recorded here during the pandemic, meaning that 5.1% of that total is now active.
The COVID hospital population remained stable in the last day at 26 patients. With the cumulative total of patients treated for the coronavirus up by 2 to 915, there were also two discharges.
Facility-wide investigations were underway at 33 educational facilities and 6 long-term care facilities.
The Educational facilities, down two from last week, are:
- Bethlehem Lutheran
- Cedar Grove/Belgium Elementary/Middle
- Cedar Grove/Belgium High
- Early Learning Center
- Elkhart Lake/Glenbeulah Elementary/Middle
- Elkhart Lake/Glenbeulah High
- Farnsworth Middle
- Grant Elementary
- Horace Mann Middle
- Howards Grove Elementary
- Howards Grove Middle
- Jackson Elementary
- Lake Country Academy
- Lincoln Erdman Elementary
- Longfellow Elementary
- Oostburg Elementary
- Oostburg Middle/High
- Pigeon River Elementary
- Plymouth High
- Plymouth Parkview Elementary
- Plymouth Riverview Middle
- Random Lake School District
- Sheboygan Central High
- Sheboygan Falls Elementary
- Sheboygan Falls High
- Sheboygan Falls Middle
- Sheboygan Lutheran High
- Sheboygan North High
- Sheboygan South High
- St. John Lutheran-Plymouth
- Trinity Lutheran
- Urban Middle
- Wilson Elementary
The 6 long-term care facilities, up one from last week, are:
- Pine Haven – Giddings
- Pine Haven
- Plymouth Health Services
- Rocky Knoll
- Sheboygan Health Services
- Sunny Ridge
Vaccination data from the Wisconsin Department of Health Services remains on hold, as it has been since November 5th. This is due to corrections in data being made by Walgreens in several states, including Wisconsin. Resumption of regular vaccination updates is dependent upon that measure being finished.