a know, for a guy that gets paid to sit behind a computer, find stupid stuff on the internet, bitch about the weather and make fun of myself publicly, I really wish I had more time to do nothing productive in my life (and that’s saying something, I don’t do productive stuff much at all). Then comes this mad man named Matt McMillan who decided he wanted to record his son Ryan’s baby coos (or whatever the hell they call baby noises, are they just baby noises or what?) for a year and take what I can only assume is another 7 years to edit them together to make it sound like Ryan is singing AC/DC’s Thunderstruck for about two minutes and you’re fooling yourself if I didn’t watch it all and get immediately jealous of Matt and Ryan’s talents. I can make a pretty good Old Fashioned, I don’t suck at grilling and I’m good enough to not get fired from my radio gig (yet). That’s it. Unless you add in my power to make a dirty 30 of PBR disappear over a few days, that’s about all I got going for me. So with all that said I guess this gig works for me. Sit in silence and enjoy the talents of better people on the internet, even if they are all of a year old…